**************************************************************************** CREATIVE TextAssist DDE Server Copyright (c) Creative Technology Ltd. 1995. All Rights Reserved. THIS SOFTWARE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT SUPPORTED BY CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY LTD. WE REGRET THAT CREATIVE IS UNABLE TO SUPPORT OR ASSIST YOU, SHOULD YOU HAVE PROBLEMS USING THIS SOFTWARE. **************************************************************************** Readme for Creative TextAssist DDE Server Version 1.1 ====================================================== This program is created for application that support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) such as Excel or Access to use the Creative TextAssist Text-To-Speech conversion software. To use this TextAssist DDE Server users must know how to use the DDE functions to program the macro of the above mentioned Application. Basically, users just need to know three DDE functions: INITIATE : This function must be called to setup up the communication link with the TextAssist DDE Server. You must use the following Service name and Topic in order to setup the communication with TextAssist DDE Server: Service name : "TASSDDE" Topic : "TALK" ITEM : NULL POKE : After Setting up the communication link, you can send the Text to the TextAssist DDE Server using the POKE function. TERMINATE: When the TextAssist DDE Server is not required, you should terminate it to close the communication link. Installation Guide ------------------ You can copy the TASSDDE.EXE in any directory but preferably you can copy it in the T_ASSIST directory for easy maintainence Select the Window program item option to create new item. Note: Please make sure that you have the file "DDEML.DLL" in your :\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory in order to run this program. This file is normally being bundled in those application that support DDE. If you do not have it, please approach Microsoft. Features -------- The TextAssist DDE Server support multiple client. That is to say more than one client applications can coexist and link up with the TextAssist DDE Server at any one time. TextAssist DDE Server will close the TextAssist Speech channel when it is not in use. That is when the client Applications have established the link with the TextAssist DDE Server but did not send any data for Text-to-Speech conversion. This is to allow other application that do not support DDE to get hold of the TextAssist Speech channel when the DDE Server is not active. TextAssist Engine can support Embeded command to change the speech characteristics such as speaking rate, pitch, volume, pause period, changing of voices, and etc. This applications can change the speech characteristics by embeding the command within the text that is being send to the TextAssist DDE Server. Please refer to TAEMBED.HLP for more information on the embeded command. Excel ----- Basically, you just need to use 3 functions. i.e.INITIATE, POKE and TERMINATE. The syntax is given below: Syntax: "channel=INITIATE(Application, Topic, Item)" "=POKE(channel, ITEM, DATA)" "=TERMINATE(channel)" Example: chan=INITIATE("TASSDDE", "TALK", "") =POKE(chan, "", B1:B7) =POKE(chan, "", REFERENCE) =TERMINATE(chan) Access ------ DDESend is used to initiate a conversation and send data to the server. The Data argument can either be text or a reference to a field. If it refers to a field, the field cannot contains another DDE link. Syntax: "=DDESend(Application, Topic, Item, Data)" Example: =DDESend("TASSDDE", "TALK", "", "Please Enter your name") =DDESend("TASSDDE", "TALK", "", [Name]) ***************** End of readme *********************